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Read the latest news for Genetics Australia – Beef News

Texas Iceman R725

Genetics Australia is pleased to announce Elite Pedigree Genetics, an Irish based genetics supplier has been appointed the exclusive distributor in the UK & EU of the record breaking Angus sire Texas Iceman R725 who was purchased by Macka’s Angus for AUD$225,000 from Texas Angus in 2021.

Genetics Australia has released a new Beef Sires component to its website. The new beef section features information on all beef bulls available from Genetics Australia. A new feature on the website allows customers to order their beef semen online and have their order delivered to their door our their usual Genetics Australia distributor. Nigel […]

A project between Genetics Australia and the ICBF in Ireland saw semen from Genetic Australia Angus sire Warrawee Patrol P29 exported to Ireland in late 2020. Patrol was identifed by the ICBF as a highly desirable sire for both the beef on beef and beef on dairy members. Patrol was the highest indexing sire out […]