Below is a collection of our most frequently asked questions, if you require something additional please contact us.
Why does a herd improvement company sell merchandise?
Genetics Australia offers merchandise as a service to improve the profitability of it’s farmer shareholders. Part of the Genetics Australia mission is to improve the profitability of it’s farmer shareholders, and combining the buying power of shareholders is one way to do this.
Do you sell to non shareholders?
Yes we do. The majority of sales are to shareholders but non shareholders may purchase from this website. The increased sales volume we get allows us to achieve better prices for our shareholders.
Should I become a shareholder?
We strongly encourage farmers who are buying products from Genetics Australia to become shareholders. As a co-operative we are working to improve the profitability of Australian farmers, and any profits are either returned to the shareholders or invested in improving shareholder profitability. As a co-operative you must be an active member; namely you must purchase goods and/or services from Genetics Australia on a regular basis. See our main web site for more details.
What advantages do I get from being a shareholder?
How do you select your product range?
This is variable! If you have any product you would like to see us sell you are welcome to contact us via the contact page. In general, we aim to stock animal husbandry consumables and general farm supplies that we can buy competitively and have the facility to stock and distribute (i.e. not large items). There may be products we’d like to sell that are not listed as they have exclusive distribution arrangements with other companies, or we cannot buy at a price which would give an advantage to our shareholders. Our buyers are always endeavouring to improve both our buying price and our product range to offer the best service possible.